Why You Should Keep a One Sentence a Day Journal

journal and pen

Are you someone who has always wanted to start a journal practice but doesn’t know where to start? Today I am introducing a concept that is easy and possibly the best way to start a journal practice – the one sentence a day journal.  Research continues to prove that writing on a consistent basis improves mood, health and well being. However, journal writing is often intimidating as writers do not know where to start or what to write. There are many journal techniques which can be beneficial but the most important is establishing the habit of writing. The one sentence a day journal requires nothing more than one sentence about your day. It can be one word or a slew of words. As with all journal writing techniques, there is no right or wrong. Utilizing one sentence about your day allows you to review the day without having to dig deeper into emotions. I have often asked clients struggling with depression to utilize an even simpler version of the one sentence a day by beginning to color their days or rank the day utilizing a scale of 1 – 10. This method enables them to see a slight change in mood and as a result they may be able to view specifics of what created the changes. Other ways a one sentence a day can be utilized include:
  • if you are beginning a new workout routine
  • beginning a new diet and need to monitor your progress
  • a pregnancy journal or baby’s first year (a sentence a day can be really good for the second or third child’s first year – you won’t feel like you are letting them down)
  • while you are traveling on vacation
  • life is simply so busy that taking the time to write longer than one sentence seems overwhelming
As with all journal writing, there is not a right or wrong. Your journal is your own. Try writing one sentence a day for at least a month and assess how it makes you feel. 

Would you consider writing one sentence a day? 

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  1. TheJessaOlsonBlog on April 22, 2015 at 3:50 pm

    I have a one sentence journal but I don’t utilize it all. It sat on my nightstand for the past month.

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on April 22, 2015 at 3:55 pm

      Oh Jessa, just start with “Today was good.” or Today was blah. It’s getting in the habit that is the hardest part. Maybe having it by your bed isn’t the best think? Maybe you should keep it in your purse or in your car. There doesn’t have to be a certain time that you journal.

  2. Laie Cariño Campilla on April 22, 2015 at 8:24 pm

    I used to be good at journaling before but now, for some reason, it’s getting difficult for me. I write consistently for one week, then stop.. I never make it to become a habit. Your tips are awesome! Maybe if I just write one sentence a day, it wouldn’t be too overwhelming. Thanks dear! 🙂

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on April 23, 2015 at 7:55 am

      Your so welcome!! Don’t feel like you aren’t good at journaling because you don’t do it every day. We write when we need (especially when it’s narrative). the one sentence a day is a good way just to record each day – if you need to add more, you can always do that. I hope you will try it.

  3. Bourbon & Lipstick on April 22, 2015 at 8:39 pm

    This is such a great idea. I got the most beautiful journal for Christmas and honestly haven’t written one word in it! Guess I just didn’t know where to start. Thanks for the awesome tip!

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on April 23, 2015 at 7:53 am

      It just takes starting somewhere. I know people who have beautiful journals and keep waiting to write in them when there is something “great” to write about. Life is a journey and it’s great to keep some form of a record.

  4. DT on April 23, 2015 at 1:05 am

    I have been thinking of starting it and after reading your post I think I’ll have to get it!
    – DT | Here I Scribble

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on April 23, 2015 at 7:52 am

      Oh DT, I hope you will start and see how you like it. It just takes getting into a practice and starting small is sometimes the best way to do it. Sometimes you may need to say “Today was ok.” You will find your groove.

  5. Sarah @ Sometimesphotojenik on April 23, 2015 at 10:03 am

    This is an interesting idea that I’ve never really thought or heard of but seems great! I might have to try it!

  6. Mia Sutton on April 25, 2015 at 2:48 pm

    I always love your journal posts! 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Sheryl!