Put Yourself On Your Calendar

Put Yourself On Your Calendar

Happy Monday!! 

Today I am reintroducing my Try This At Home Series. This series focuses upon tips and suggestions for everyone to try at home in hopes of creating a happier life. Please continue to join me for what is often simple tips that can bring significant rewards. As you open up your planner and look at the week ahead, have you scheduled time for yourself?  I’ve found that often an important aspect of self care is setting aside time. How this time looks is totally up to you but the important part is that the time is dedicated to you. Examples can include:
  • Spending time in the morning stretching, working out or writing in a journal.
  • Setting aside time once (or more) a week to take a relaxing bath.
  • Blocking time off to leave work at a reasonable time.
  • Scheduling time to read a book or magazine.
  • Planning to watch a favorite tv show or movie.
[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@how2makealife”]Put yourself on your calendar this week! [/tweetthis] I realize that some weeks are much busier than others but that doesn’t give any of us an excuse to not think of ourselves. Life will not collapse if you take time for yourself. In fact, taking time for yourself is pertinent to prevent and helps relieve stress. A colleague recently shared that she had turned down two paid speaking engagements because the dates were on self care days she had previously scheduled. As an entrepreneur, turning down engagements is never easy. However, my friend realized that with her packed schedule, giving up those self care times would create more stress than the money she would be paid.

Do you have yourself scheduled on your calendar? Let me know how will you make space for yourself? 

Sheryl (5)

The Try This At Home Series focuses upon tips and suggestions to help create a happier life at home.

Try This At Home is a regular series on How To Make A Life offering tips and suggestions for a happier life.



  1. Nina B on October 3, 2016 at 12:30 pm

    Girl, you know I need to do this!

  2. Mia Sutton on October 3, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    Excellent advice! We all need our “me” time.

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on October 11, 2016 at 8:44 pm

      We can’t take care of anyone else if we aren’t taking care of ourselves.

  3. Charlotte on October 3, 2016 at 3:02 pm

    LOVE this! I don’t ever actively schedule “me” time but I try to do something every day for myself, whether that’s read or write for an hour, some yoga, catching up with a good friend, or just vegging in front of the TV with the dog–it all counts 🙂 Hope you are having a great week!! XOXO

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on October 11, 2016 at 8:44 pm

      You have a great thing going Charlotte!! Me time can be whatever it needs to look like for you. I’m so glad you are doing this. Hope you are doing well. XOXO

  4. Crystal @ Dreams, etc. on October 3, 2016 at 7:33 pm

    This fits in with what I wrote about today… I haven’t been scheduling time for myself and I need to. Thanks for this great reminder!

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on October 11, 2016 at 8:43 pm

      I’m so glad this was a good reminder. We need time just for us rather than every one else.

  5. Bourbon & Lipstick on October 3, 2016 at 9:07 pm

    Such a great reminder! I’ve been working on a post on taking time to be a good “you”… I think women never want to take time for themselves! There’s a lot more I could be doing. But we all need rest!

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on October 11, 2016 at 8:43 pm

      There will always be more we could be doing but the reality is we can only do what we can do. What matters is we are doing the best for ourselves and trying to be healthy and recognizing our needs.