Schedule Yourself on Your Calendar | Self Care Saturday

Schedule Yourself

Have you ever found yourself changing a doctor’s appointment or neglecting a haircut because someone or something else always appears to be a higher priority?

Over the past month, I’ve discussed what self care is, how you speak to yourself, practicing self care daily and creating a space of your own. Today, I want to acknowledge that often we must schedule self care on our calendar. In essence, it’s important to schedule yourself on your calendar. Life can quickly become overwhelming with a constant stream of demands. One has their work life, family responsibilities, and daily chores of life that need to be accomplished. As a result, it can become necessary to schedule yourself and self care time on your calendar. If you don’t, it may not happen. I want to encourage you to think of a setting aside and scheduling time for yourself.  The moments could be fifteen minutes each morning for meditation, regular workout sessions three times a week at the gym, an entire afternoon of pampering at the salon or a whole day or weekend with friends. Establishing and respecting time set aside for yourself shows that you are viewing yourself as a priority and not an after thought. Use this time for yourself, not to catch up on other errands or to do something for someone else. Go for a walk or run. Enjoy a coffee and a magazine. Schedule a much needed massage or hair appointment. It is way too easy to state there is no time for self care. However, making time for yourself will guarantee less stress and provide a new perspective of your life.  Today, I encourage you to sit down with your calendar. Schedule time for yourself whether that be a workout or meeting a friend. It is wonderful to look down at your schedule and see that you’ve scheduled “me” time. [tweetthis]You are as important as anything else on your calendar. [/tweetthis]  

Do you struggle with scheduling time for yourself? What do you need to make time for? 

Sheryl Signature (1)

Self care Saturday



  1. Mar on February 14, 2015 at 7:51 am

    I always look forward to your self care
    Saturday posts. While I enjoy putting others needs ahead of mine, I need to remember to myself first once in a while.

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on February 14, 2015 at 5:15 pm

      Thank You Mar. I continuously have to remind myself to make time for me. It’s very easy to fall into a cycle of just “doing” and not taking care of yourself.

  2. Krayl Funch on February 15, 2015 at 9:16 am

    This is so important! We are all so busy running these days. I haven’t written it in yet but I have made an effort to allow more time for self care this year! I have also started a self care series on my site. Great minds think alike!

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on February 15, 2015 at 10:14 am

      Good for you Krayl! It’s so important to make yourself a priority. Take care of you! So glad you stopped by. Will have to check out your series.

  3. TheJessaOlsonBlog on February 15, 2015 at 9:58 am

    I love this reminder!! I need to get my calendar out and use it more.

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on February 15, 2015 at 10:14 am

      I’ve found that if I don’t put it on my calendar – it is likely not to happen. Sit down and make some Jessa time!

  4. Sarah @ Sometimesphotojenik on February 15, 2015 at 3:32 pm

    I would say I’m good at scheduling work outs so that’s good. But scheduling time where I can just relax is something I need to work on- I always feel like I have to be doing something else!

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on February 16, 2015 at 1:57 pm

      It is the hardest to give yourself permission to simply just be. I’m not sure I will every perfect it but I am always hoping to do so.

  5. Crystal @ Dreams, etc. on February 15, 2015 at 4:47 pm

    I am the queen of rescheduling hair appointments. This is something that I always need to remember!

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on February 16, 2015 at 1:59 pm

      Crystal, I feel like we have to start off small. I struggle at making time for may massage appointments but I’ve actually said no to people and things because I had a hair appointment. I even had someone reply that they understood when I said the reason! 🙂 Make your appointments and keep them. You will feel better.

  6. Rebecca on February 15, 2015 at 8:41 pm

    Oooh, I love this post. I have always struggled with scheduling me time, especially when things get hectic. You give such great, articulate advice!

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on February 16, 2015 at 2:00 pm

      Thank you Rebecca. It is so easy to neglect yourself when life gets overwhelming. Here’s hoping you make some time for you.

  7. Amanda Nicole | Knock on Wood on February 16, 2015 at 1:41 pm

    This is so important to remember! I do tend to forget to take time for myself and reschedule things that I really need to do for me. My husband actually just got on to me about this haha!

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on February 16, 2015 at 2:01 pm

      You know you are needing some quality me time when someone else is reminding you to do it! Make sure you stop today and schedule time for you!

  8. Emily @ Ember Grey. on February 21, 2015 at 2:12 pm

    Loved this, Sheryl! I used to be so bad about this. I eventually started literally writing down personal time in my calendar… even if it was 30 minutes to exercise or drink a hot cup of coffee, technology free – it’s made such a difference. Great post!

    • Sheryl @ How to Make a Life on February 22, 2015 at 3:15 pm

      Thanks Emily!! I’m so glad that you have found this works for you. So many people think it is silly to schedule yourself but if one doesn’t, it typically doesn’t happen!! I have to schedule my exercise or it doesn’t happen!