Since I personally know what it is like when life doesn’t go “as planned”, I decided to jump into the land of blogging as a way to support my own grief journey. After many years as a grief counselor, I understood the need to find a tool that would help me, personally. So, this blog became a strategy to support my self-care and healing process after multiple losses. Today, I use my professional knowledge and personal experience as a blueprint to “Make the Life” of my newfound dreams. The “How to Make a Life” Blog is a space for me to share information, inspiration and motivation to help others in their own journey.

Hello I’m Sheryl Woolverton, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Speaker and Life and Wellness Coach from Lexington KY
I am a former grief counselor who has taken both her personal and professional knowledge of rebuilding and reinventing a life when things don’t go as planned. I have the privilege of guiding and empowering r women as they navigate a fresh start, face a loss or encounter the unexpected detour of life’s transitions. My passion is to help all women recognize their strength, recognize self care is an everyday practice and create the life they deserve
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